What is POOP BINGO and how does it work?

Poop Bingo is a 50/50 fun game of chance during the Dogs in the Hat dog expo. There will be a grid painted in the grass. You purchase a Rock from PDCT for $3 or 2/$5 and place the Rock(s) where you would like in the Grid. On the day of the event, a Dog of the event staff’s choosing will be released in the grid and the Rock closest to where the dog POOPS wins the JACKPOT! 50% of the jackpot goes the the person with the winning rock and the other 50% goes to PDCT!

The Dogs in the Hat event is virtual this year due to what the uncertainty of Covid restrictions would be this summer. Therefore, we have have a link below where you can see what Rock Numbers and what Grid Spaces are still available. If the Rock and/or Grid Space is greyed out, that means someone has already chosen that Rock and/or Grid Space and it is no longer available. Rocks are available to purchase between now and July 31st!


Only 200 Rocks available! Official Rules can be found by scrolling down.

View the available Rock Numbers and Grid Spaces here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lL3o0ZnHUbeBNTrTkkOBXZMZjxNGAV2t5STHldXGLis/edit?usp=sharing

** If you are viewing the spreadsheet on your phone, it’s best to either turn your phone sideways or scroll sideways to see the Grid spaces as well. Sorry if this causes any inconvenience!**


To purchase your Rock(s) please send your eTransfer to: persiandreams@hotmail.com

You MUST include the following in the message of the eTransfer in order for us to keep track of your Rock number(s) and where you want to place it/them: POOP BINGO – First Name Last Name, Phone Number, Rock XX, Space XX” 

If you are purchasing multiple rocks, use the format: POOP BINGO – First Name Last Name, Phone Number, Rocks XX and X, Spaces XX and X”  Make sure that the order you put the numbers is correct, the number of the rock you put in the message first should correspond to the Grid space you enter in the message first, etc. so we can accurately place your rocks on POOP BINGO Event day!

If you can’t eTransfer you can purchase and pay in person at PetValu on Carry Drive in Medicine Hat, BUT you MUST make prior arrangements with Elisha at 403-957-0246. *Exact change only.

Good Luck and Have Fun!